Do Lenders Really Mistreat Foreclosure Victims?
The homeowners' perception may also be correct because the lender is often unresponsive or not supportive because it is one of tens of thousands the lender has to deal with at any given time. The lender's loan mitigation officer may have hundreds of files working at one time and is often unreceptive to calls from homeowners. A very few lenders have developed departments with field personnel to visit the homeowners and show them solutions. The lender gets an appraisal or BPO (Broker's Price Opinion) as soon as the loan is delinquent by a few weeks. This estimated fair market value of their home is used to determine whether the lender can get the remaining loan balance back from the sale of the property. This estimated resale value has to affect how the borrower will be treated, either with an aggressive attitude to get the property back and get the home's equity by offering a "Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure", or with a different legal approach to have the homeowner keep the problem property.
Lenders use strictly a financial determination to resolve the problem of the foreclosure because it is in their best interests. This cut-and-dry decision often results in the homeowner getting minimal help from the lender. Homeowners can simultaneously be correct in their perceptions because the lender may want their property for its equity and homeowners only see that the loss mitigation representative is unresponsive to their phone calls. The best solution is for the homeowner to steer the foreclosure process and understand his rights without possible biased help from the lender.
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