Thursday, April 19, 2007


Summer is nearly here, and we’re all thinking about how much fun we’re going to have. We've got some useful tips and ideas about how to make the most of the summer months while keeping you safe.


Keep the Window Up

As tempting as it might be to wind down a window, lean your arm outside, and enjoy the sunshine while driving, you might get burned. The cooling sensation of the wind blowing across your arm disguises the fact that you might actually be getting badly burned. Use sunscreen liberally, or cover up – or both.

Your Car’s an Oven

Cars get hot, fast, even if it doesn’t feel that warm outside. Direct sunlight can raise the temperature inside a car by over 30 degrees in less than five minutes, which can and has killed children and elderly people over the years. Even keeping a window cracked isn’t enough, so never leave children, pets or anyone inside a car during the summer.

Sunscreen for your Car

Inexpensive sunshields are available that can be placed inside your car, and can help keep temperatures down when you’re away from your vehicle.
